It was a typical day in Greer, SC, for Affordable Air Experts. We received a call from a potential new customer that would soon change our day and lives. The customer asked, “Do you sell used units? We have not had heating or cooling for over two (2) years?” I explained that we do not sell used equipment, but we may be able to repair your unit. Upon talking further to the customer, I asked if we could come out and provide a free quote to see if we can salvage the ductwork and or unit and possibly see if we can get the unit up and running. When we went out, I received a phone call explaining a little more of the story, and the conversation went like this:
“We need to try and help this family as much as we can. They need any help we can give .”
Here is the situation we encountered:
The unit was not salvageable whatsoever. It had a cracked heat exchanger, making it unsafe to turn the gas on and no refrigerant due to a considerable leak, likely in the cooling coil.
The grandfather/father is paralyzed from the chest down, while the grandmother/mother is taking care of her husband, her grandkids, her grown kids and holding down a full-time job at a local hospital system in the evenings.
She has so much on her plate and is constantly exhausted, yet she always smiles and is optimistic. Her warmth and positive outlook are comforting and inviting. She loves her husband, her kids, and those grandbabies with all her heart, but she is worn out. She is holding on to a thread that seems to be getting tinier and tinier. (thinner and thinner). The mother/grandmother explained she had delayed trying to fix it for financial reasons, but she could apply for financing to pay. After hearing this family's situation, we decided to make phone calls and call in favors to help this family out as much as we possibly could. Based on what needed to be repaired to have proper working heating, cooling, and ductwork, we were looking at $10,000, if not more.
There was a lot to get this process up and running, including materials, equipment, labor, city permits, and the list of necessities kept growing. As the cost and list grew, we knew that it would only add even more stress and hardship, which is the opposite direction of what we were trying to accomplish.
The mother/grandmother applied for financing and got approved. YAY Right?
This is the condemned original unit - cracked heat exchanger, leaking coil.
This is the point where the story starts to make a turn. Most companies would have taken the money, financed it (even though it would have maxed the grandmother/mother out), installed the unit and ductwork, and then left.
I wanted to see if anyone would help us provide this family with what they needed, as a surprise.
I called anyone and everyone that I could. I contacted suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, local territory managers, sub-contractors, neighbors, and other contractors who owned their own companies (yes, the competition). There was no stone that we left unturned.
In the end, I was blown away with the kindness from everyone:
Martin Mechanical, our install crew (comprised of TJ, Patrick, and Logan), stepped up and took a pay cut of over $600 to help install this unit for this family. It was certainly no easy install; it took Patrick and Logan 2 full days of non-stop, hard-working labor.
Our territory manager, Hunter Justice with Ferguson HVAC Supply, was able to take $1,000 off the brand new Gas Package Unit.
Rheem, the Gas Package Unit manufacturer, gave a 30% discount on the equipment.
Crescent Supply provided some materials that they discounted as best as they could.
Ferguson HVAC Supply of Greenville provided another significant discount on the majority of the materials.
We were getting closer but still had a sizeable balance to the tune of over $6,500.
I discussed the situation with my wife, Melanie, and we determined that we would cover the remaining balance. We have always given to others, but it was always our time, some toys, or minor cash donations. In our hearts, we knew that even though this was the most significant gift we had ever given, it was the right thing to do. We also understood that a business's purpose is to make a profit (after all, it is how you grow), but sometimes you have to look past your needs and help someone even if it hurts your wallet. So that is precisely what we did!
We, unfortunately, can not do this for everyone, but the actions taken by everyone will help this family in so many ways. So on November 17th, we spoke with the grandmother/mother and grandfather/father. We explained to them that we are a small company, and there was a reason fate had led them to us, and we are so thankful for getting to know every single one of them. We then handed them an invoice of zero dollars and said Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from us at Affordable Air.
We will likely know them for the rest of our lives. Our kids have even met their grandkids. They are a wonderful family, and the weight lifted off of the grandmother/mother was tremendous. All she could do was cry, hug us, and say thank you over and over. She explained how since her husband's injury (16 years ago), he has been unable to regulate his body temperature, so this is life-changing. She did not have to worry about the grandkids being warm, her pipes freezing over, or any HVAC issues. She told us, you have no idea what this means!
We explained to them how everyone contributed to this effort, from the simple gift-giving of $100 to the generous of $1000. We had some truly incredible territory managers, suppliers, and the best install crew to assist you all to get your heating and cooling needs.
Rheem 16 seer Gas Package Unit
After we had presented them with our gift, it reminded us at Affordable Air Experts of a rather special quote, which we hold dear to our hearts.
The apostle Paul once wrote:
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Each of us has something to offer. We can give our money and our time to charity, be a friend to someone who is sick or lonely, do volunteer work, or be a peacemaker, teacher or minister. We may give unselfishly of our time to our spouse, children or parents. We may choose a service-oriented occupation, or we may just do our everyday jobs with integrity and respect for others.
It would seem that the more we give to others, the poorer we become, but just the opposite is true! Service to others brings meaning and fulfillment to our lives in a way that wealth, power, possessions and self-centered pursuits can never match. As Jesus said,
For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (Luke 6:38)
While we, along with several other companies, lost out on money, we all collectively agreed that it was the right thing to do for this family. While this can't be a possibility for all of our beloved customers, we certainly picked a fantastic family to help out. So we at Affordable Air Experts now ask you, how can you help someone today? For you never know, it might just lead to new people in your life whom you will hold very close to your hearts for a long, long time and likely change another persons life.