Affordable Air Experts

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BROKEN AC, don’t panic! Tips from Affordable Air.

BROKEN AC, don’t panic! Here are some other things we recommend you DON’T do if your AC breaks:


Don’t Stay Home

Here’s a thought: while the AC is broken, go out! While you wait for an AC technician to fix your air conditioning system, leave your hot home during the day. Enjoy the outdoors! Play outside; swim at the pool; go eat at a restaurant; visit family or friends! Come on, you can do without “Netflix and chill” for a day or two, can’t you? With a broken AC, the “chill” part is out anyway, right? Enjoy some time away from home until an AC technician can arrive to fix your broken air conditioner.


Don’t Use Heat-Generating Devices

Appliances and electronics big and small generate heat. If your air conditioner is broken and will take some time to get fixed, avoid using heat-generating appliances. Instead of using the stove or oven to cook, try using an outdoor grill instead. Avoid using the washer and dryer and the dishwasher too. Turn off all lights when not in use. Turn off and unplug any electronics such as computers and the TV. You get the picture: if your AC is broken, limit or stop use of any heat-generating devices.


Don’t Open your Freezer

Yes, people do this. Seems kind of desperate to think people would keep their freezers open while having a broken AC, but we’ve heard of it happening!


Don’t Beat on your Unit

(Huh-huh, huh-huh) That headline sounds kind of dirty, but when stuff breaks, people tend to beat on the broken machine in question. Kicking, punching, or hammering your air conditioning unit is not going to work in real life! Don’t punch the thermostat either! Check to make sure it’s set properly. We get it, you’re hot and you’re frustrated, but beating up on your broken AC unit won’t make it work again. And you can end up breaking it or breaking yourself, so put the hammer down, take a deep breath and call us instead!


Don’t Tape Stuff Back Together

People think duct tape has miraculous repair powers. Newsflash: it doesn’t! Sure, you may be able to slow down a leak or hold something together with tape, but it’s only a temporary fix. We’ve seen duct taped fans, lines, pipes and other parts in the past from stubborn folk who didn’t want to call a professional. We’ve even seen duct-taped ducts too! (Oy!) But there’s a reason we’ve seen these things: because the culprit ended up calling us anyway!


Dude seriously, don’t try to fix your AC by taping stuff together: call us instead!


Don’t Open Your Windows on Hot Days

You might be tempted to crack open your windows if your AC breaks on a hot day, but don’t. You’re just letting more heat into your home and making things worse. Keep windows, doors, blinds and drapes closed when your AC is not working on hot days. Ceiling fans and floor fans are not meant to cool a room. They’re meant to cool off your body. So we recommend using them while you have a broken AC. Also stay hydrated until a technician arrives to fix your AC, but don’t open windows unless it’s breezy outside.


Don’t Get Mad at Us!

This goes hand-in hand with “don’t panic,” but when you call us, be calm. We get it: it’s hot, you’re sweating and you just want your damn AC to work again. However, getting mad and yelling at us on the phone isn’t going to help your case. When you call us or any AC professional, (pun intended) don’t lose your cool! We need you to calmly explain the problem on the phone so we can schedule your appointment and prepare for it.

Plus, if you call and yell at us and say something like “my (expletive) AC isn’t working and you need to come now!” it will take us longer to get to you. Not because we’re trying to stick it to you for being rude, but because in your heated expletive-laden tirade, you’re not helping us get your correct information. The calmer you are, the better you can provide us the information we need to help you out!

Don’t Think We’re Neglecting You

The hottest days are the busiest days for air conditioning companies. We’re in the Upstate of South Carolina and during the hot months we get slammed with phone calls all day long. With so much activity going on, all AC companies are busy and we may not be able to get to you right away. There may be others who have scheduled appointments ahead of you, so be patient. It’s also a good idea to get on a maintenance plan with Affordable Air Experts. With it, you get 2 annual maintenance services visits and a 20% discount on any future needed repairs! Having our maintenance membership gets you priority service!


Don’t Rush to Hire Someone

We obviously want you to hire us if your AC system breaks down (duh!). But like we mentioned before, during hot days all AC companies are slammed with appointments. We may or may not be able to get to you before another company can. So, if we can’t get to you fast enough, don’t rush to hire the first company that’s available. Do your research first! (Again, don’t panic!). Take your time and look up companies online.

Obviously (shameless plug alert) Affordable Air Experts is the best AC company in the Upstate of South Carolina. But if we have too many scheduled appointments ahead of you and can’t get to you as fast as you want, be patient. Research local AC companies before you hire one. Don’t hire just anyone because they’re readily available. Check online reviews and ask around before you hire any air conditioning company, including us. (We’re confident about our reputation, so we’re not afraid to tell you to do your research on us too).


Don’t Replace the Refrigerant

When an air conditioner breaks, people often think it might just be low on refrigerant aka freon aka gas. Some may also think replacing refrigerant is an easy job. After all, you’ve replaced the refrigerant in your car before, so how hard can it be, right? Well, air conditioning systems are a much different animal than cars! And you should never try to replace the refrigerant in your AC system yourself!

There are signs of low refrigerant such as ice building up inside the AC unit and lukewarm air blowing during the day. But if you see the signs of low refrigerant, don’t be a hero and try to change it yourself! Refrigerant for air conditioning systems should only be handled by licensed and trained professionals. You know, like the technicians at Affordable Air Experts (boom)! Don’t try this at home, kids. Let us be the heroes and save your day!


Don’t Try to Fix It Yourself

Seriously, don’t try to fix a broken AC yourself! Unless you’re a trained HVAC professional, you have no business taking your AC apart to try to fix the problem. Whether you hire us or somebody else (why would you hire anyone else?), don’t assume the AC technician will take too long to get there. Patience grasshopper. Patience.

Affordable Air Experts will have somebody there as soon as possible. But whether we or anybody takes longer than expected, it’s not worth trying to take apart your AC and attempting to fix it. You could end up injuring yourself or damaging components, which could cost you even more money down the line. So just be patient and wait for help to arrive.